Census 2020

The cover of the 2020 Census

The Count Me In! Census 2020 project brings together the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE), the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), and Fresno County Office of Education (FCOE) in a partnership with the Government Operations Agency to develop materials, resources, and teacher's guides designed to bring about a greater awareness of and appreciation for the U.S. Census.

Census 2020 Video Overview - Count Me In!
A video about the 2020 Census, the importance of a complete count, and ways you can be an advocate for a complete count in your community.

Access the Count Me In! Census 2020 curriculum and resources.

Census and Count Me In! Curriculum Overview
This webinar provides an overview and information about the 2020 Census, the importance of a complete count, and the Count Me In! curriculum and resources developed by the Sacramento and Los Angeles County Offices of Education, with funding from the California Complete Count Committee.

More Census 2020 resources can be found on the California Census 2020 website.

Census 2020 logo